- While I have no problem with your use of the information contained on this website for personal, non-profit purposes, please respect the copyright notice each page carries. Please do not post entire pages, or portions of pages, or non-public domain images from this website on any other websites (including or in any publication without prior permission.
- Every effort has been made to assure that the names of living persons (apart from myself) are not included on this website and that no personal data about any living person is included. If you discover your name and any personal data about yourself on this site, I sincerely apologize. Please contact me by email and I will remove the data immediately after receipt of your message.
About This Site (In the event you are curious.)
 Steven Butler in London, England (where his convict ancestor came from), 2007.
I created this website (way back in 1996) because I am a firm believer in the old adage: "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours." In other words, the purpose of this site is to share what I have learned about my family's history with people who may be researching the same lines so that I can be of some help to others and hopefully, they may be of some help to me. So far, it seems to be working! Over the years I have exchanged information with lots of people, oftentimes previously unknown cousins. Maintaining this website has enabled me to learn a lot about my ancestors that I might not have known otherwise.
My Abiding Interest in Family History
My interest in family history began in November 1971, when I came across a box of old photographs belonging to my paternal grandmother. Since then I've spent countless hours in libraries, archives, county courthouses, and cemeteries all over the United States, seeking to learn all that I can about my ancestors. I've also done some research in England. Since the advent of the World Wide Web in the mid-1990s, I've spent innumerable hours engaged in online research as well. In short, what I am trying to say is that what began as an idle interest has long since become a passion.
Over the years I have traveled many miles, spent a lot of money, and examined more microfilm, documents, books, and periodicals than I care to think about. Although my efforts have yielded results, there's still a lot of work to be done! I imagine you probably feel the same way, even if you've been researching as long or longer than me, and especially if you're just beginning!
It appears that all my ancestors came to North America from Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and almost all were well established before the American Revolution of 1775-1783 (in which several served the Patriot cause). So far, I have not found any immigrant ancestors who came later. Currently, I am working to confirm some information that some of them may have been among the earliest settlers of Virginia, before it became a royal colony in 1624.
My ancestral homes in Europe are England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland (mostly Northern Ireland), the Netherlands, France, and Germany. Presently, my earliest known ancestors were French Protestants who settled in the Hudson River Valley of what is now the State of New York in the early 1660s. The latest arrivals were some Ulster-Irish who came to South Carolina a century later, in the 1760s.
Although my education includes both an M.A. and a Ph.D. in History, I have no formal genealogy credentials. This hasn't prevented me, however, from teaching genealogy classes at our local community college and providing individual research assistance to others (although presently, I am far too busy for either activity). From time-to-time, I've been the guest speaker at local genealogical and historical society meetings, sharing my knowledge of history and genealogy with others. I am particularly knowledgeable about English convict ancestors (yes, I have one!) and veterans of the U.S.-Mexican War (there are at least two of those in my family tree).
I qualify for membership in several genealogical or lineage societies. However, I am not presently an active member in any of them.
Over the years I have written several genealogical and historical articles, which have been published in a variety of newspapers and periodicals. These include:
- The Dallas Morning News
- The Mount Pleasant (Texas) Daily Tribune
- Everton's Genealogical Helper
- Legacies: A History Journal for Dallas and North Central Texas
- Heritage: A Publication of the Texas Historical Foundation
- Heritage Quest
- The Alabama Genealogical Society Magazine
- Mexican War Journal
Contacting Me
In view of my busy schedule, I've found that maintaining this website is the most efficient way for me to assist my fellow family historians. I hope you find it useful. Unfortunately, the many demands on my time creates a situation whereby I am not always able to respond to email in a timely fashion. So if you write, please be patient. I will try to get back to you but it may take a few days. Thanks for visiting and come back again soon to see
if anything new has been added.
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This website copyright © 1996-2018 by Steven R. Butler, Ph.D. All rights reserved.