Welcome to my family picture gallery. Just click on the links and pictures to display selected photographic portraits of the person(s) named. Women are listed under their maiden surname (unless included in a group portrait).
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Thomas William Jenkins and wife Louisa. Probably taken at Paris, Lamar County, Texas, late nineteenth century. |
Group portrait, family of Thomas William Jenkins (1848-1911) and Louisa Williams Jenkins (1850-1914). Photo taken in Lamar County, Texas, about 1893. Back row, from left to right: Andrew Jenkins, William Newton Jenkins, Thomas Benjamin Jenkins, Janey Morrison, Emmerine Morrison (William Newton's future wife). Front row (seated), from left to right: Thomas William Jenkins, Pearlee Margaret "Maggie" Jenkins, Louisa I. Williams Jenkins, Zobedia "Beadie" Jenkins, Andrew Morrison holding son Christopher Columbus "Lum" Morrison, Emma Jenkins Morrison (Andrew's wife). |
Group photo, William Newton Jenkins, wife Celeste "Lestie" Uselton, and daughter Lillie Pearl Jenkins (by first wife), early 1900s, farm near Powderly, Lamar County, Texas. |
Group photo, children and wife of William Newton Jenkins, about 1912, Powderly, Lamar County, Texas. From left to right: Isaac Newton Jenkins (1902 - 19??), William Ollie Jenkins (1903-1971), Lillie Pearl Jenkins (1901-1974), Celeste "Lestie" Uselton Jenkins (1889-1973?). |
Group photo William Ollie Jenkins (son of William Newton Jenkins) and wife Ida Lee Seay, with sons Lindell (being held by his mother) and Jack (being held by his father). Muskogee, Oklahoma, mid 1920s. |
Lindell Ray Jenkins (1925-2000), age 18, son of William Ollie and Ida Lee Seay Jenkins. Photo taken in October 1943 at U.S. Merchant Marine School, St. Petersburg, Florida. |
William Ollie Jenkins (1902-1971), age about 60, son of William Newton Jenkins and Emmerine Morrison Jenkins. Photo probably taken early 1960s in either Dallas, Texas or Chicago, Illinois. |
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Group portrait, family of Isaac Fisher Morrison (1840-1916) and Ada Ann Richardson Woodring Morrison (1845-1926), and some members of Jenkins family. Photo taken near community of Powderly in Lamar County, Texas, circa 1900. Standing, left to right: Lester or Ambrose Morrison, Mattie Jenkins, May Jenkins, Isaac Benton Morrison, his wife Lizzie Jenkins Morrison, Emmerine Morrison, and ?. Seated, left to right: Isaac F. Morrison, Lena Morrison, Major Sam Killingsworth (Janey Morrison's eldest son), Ada Ann Richardson Woodring Morrison (Isaac F.'s wife). |
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Mathew A. Seay (1821-1911), date uncertain. Place: Probably Mt. Pleasant, Titus County, Texas. |
Ida Lee Seay (1903-1934), age 18, with sisters. Ida is the one in the middle. Photo is supposed to have been taken on the day she was married to William Ollie Jenkins, July 20, 1921. Place: Blossom, Lamar County, Texas. |
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Mary Caroline Strahan (1831-1909), daughter of Neil and Anna M. Strahan, wife of William R. West, second wife of Harrison Tate, age 50? Taken in Columbia, Alabama about 1880. |
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Judge Harrison Tate (1816-1891), age 74? Probably taken in Columbia, Alabama about 1890. |
Isaac Henry Tate (1844-1932), son of Harrison Tate and Mariah Hill Tate, stepson of Mary Caroline Tate, age 17 or 18, in the uniform of a Confederate soldier. Tintype portrait taken 1862 or 1863, probably in Alabama or Georgia. |
Henry Harrison Tate
(1877-1898), son of Isaac and Sarah Tate, age 20? Taken in Vernon, Texas. |
Hettie Tate, daughter of Isaac and Sarah Tate. Date uncertain. Place: Probably Vernon, Wilbarger, County, Texas. |
Mary Leona "Mamie" Tate (1879-1954), daughter of Isaac and Sarah Tate, age about 30. Probably taken in Dallas, Texas about 1909. |
Alice May Tate (1885-1972), daughter of Isaac and Sarah Tate and wife of Herman H. Butler, age about 20. Taken in Dallas, Texas about 1905. |
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Sarah Augusta West (1851-1928). Tintype portait, probably taken in Alabama, 1870s or 1880s. |
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