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Our Dutch (and a few French and English) Ancestors in New Netherland (New York)

Flag of the Dutch West India Company
Flag of the Dutch West India Company



Ancestral Sites to Visit


Our New Netherland Ancestors in Arrival Order

The Arms of New Netherland
The Arms of New Netherland

New Year's Day 1636 in New Amsterdam
New Year's Day 1636 in Nieuw Amsterdam (now New York) by George Boughton


View of Nieuw Amsterdam
View of Nieuw Amsterdam (now New York)

Although I have known for more than 25 years that I had Dutch, French, and Walloon ancestors who settled in New Netherland, specifically in and around the present-day city of Kingston, New York, I did not know until recently (early 2025) that I had many more Dutch and French ancestors who settled in the colony, at New Amsterdam--located on the tip of Manhattan Island--at New Utrecht in what is now the New York borough of Brooklyn, and also Staten Island, as well as what is now Albany, the capital of the State of New York, long before the English took over in 1664 and renamed the place.

What this means is that in addition to having ancestors who settled in Virginia during the earliest days of English colonization, I also have ancestors who were present during the earliest years of one of the world's greatest cities--New York--when it was in its infancy.

Without exception (so far as I know), these hardy pioneers were all from my mother's side of the family. Two of them -- father and son -- settled in Kings County, Long Island, in what is now the borough of Brooklyn. Two other father-son pairs settled in New Amsterdam, at the tip of Manhattan Island. One other father-son set went to live upriver, about a hundred miles from Manhattan, at a village called Esopus or Wildwyck. So did a father-in-law-son-in-law pair. Another settled at Fort Orange (now Albany). Others ended up at Harlem, on the northern end of Manhattan Island, in what was then a small village surrounded by bouweries (farms).





YouTube video: New York, A Documentary Film: From 1624 to 1664

YouTube video: NBC LEARN: New Netherlands

YouTube video: What's Left of New Amsterdam

YouTube video: Why Doesn't the U.S. Know About its Own Dutch Origins?

YouTube video: How New Amsterdam influenced America



Click on each link for more information about an individual or family.

NOTE: I may have many more early New York ancestors than those listed here, but these are the ones I can confirm through both documentary and DNA evidence.

NAME (Male head of household), YEAR OF ARRIVAL, WHERE SETTLED, FAMILY TREE showing relation to me

Dutch ancestor
French or Walloon ancestor
French or Walloon
English ancestor
English/First Generation Anglo-American
Irish ancestor
Irish/First Generation Irish-American
Irish ancestor
Danish/First Generation Danish-American

Click on underlined names to read a biography of that individual

Dutch ancestor Frederick Lubbertsen and wife, Trintje Hendricks 1633 New Amsterdam and New Utrecht, Kings County (Long Island)
Our earliest known adult ancestors in New Netherland.
See LUBBERTSEN Family Tree

English ancestor Nicholas Stilwell 1639 New Amsterdam, Gravesend, Kings County (Long Island) and Richmond County (Staten Island)
Our earliest known English ancestor in New Netherland.
See STILWELL Family Tree

Irish ancestor William Golding abt. 1640 Gravesend, Kings County (Long Island)
Our earliest known Irish ancestor in New Netherland.
See GOLDING Family Tree

Irish ancestor Joseph Golding abt. 1640 Gravesend, Kings County (Long Island)
Son of the above
See GOLDING Family Tree

Dutch ancestor Christoffel Harmenzen and wife, Moederke Gerrits 1652 New Utrecht, Kings County (Long Island)
Killed by Indians in the Peach War, 1655
See VAN ZANDT Family Tree

Dutch ancestor Gerrit Stoffelse Vansand and wife, Lysbeth Cornelis Gerrits 1652 New Utrecht, Kings County (Long Island)
Son of the above
See VAN ZANDT Family Tree

Dutch ancestor Dirck Claessen and first wife, Trintje Roelofs 1653 New Amsterdam (Manhattan) and Harlem
Farmer and Pottery Maker
See CLAESSEN Family Tree

Dutch ancestor Christian Barentsen and wife, Jannetje Jans 1653 New Amsterdam (Manhattan)
See VAN HORN Family Tree

Dutch ancestor Barent Christiansen Van Horn and wife, Geertje Dircks 1653 New Amsterdam (Manhattan)
Son of the above and Son-in-Law of Dirck Claessen
See VAN HORN Family Tree

Dutch ancestor Jacob Leendersen Van de Grift and wife, Rebecca Frederickse 1657 New Amsterdam (Manhattan)
Son-in-law of Frederick Lubbertsen
See VAN DE GRIFT Family Tree

Dutch ancestor Philippe Casier and wife, Marie Taine Arrived 1660 on The Gilded Otter. Settled at Harlem.
See CASIER Family Tree

French or Walloon ancestor Mathese Blanchan and wife, Magdeline Jorrise Arrived 1660 on The Gilded Otter, Settled at Esopus/Wildwyck.
See BLANCHAN Family Tree

French or Walloon ancestor Louis Dubois and wife, Catherine Blanchan 1661 Esopus/Wildwyck
Son-in-Law of the above
See DUBOIS Family Tree

Dutch ancestor Jan Jooseten Van Meteren and wife, Macyken Hendrygksen 1662 Esopus/Wildwyck
See VAN METER Family Tree

Dutch ancestor Joost Jans Van Meteren and wife, Sarah Dubois 1662 Esopus/Wildwyck
Son of the above and son-in-law of Louis Dubois
See VAN METER Family Tree

Danish ancestor Gabriel Thomson Strudles and wife, Jannetje Dircks circa 1662 Albany
No Biography or Family Tree Posted Yet

Dutch ancestor Jan Janse Verkerk and wife, Maycke Gisberts 1663 New Utrecht, Kings County (Long Island)
No Biography Posted Yet
See VERKERK Family Tree

French ancestor Jean Jacques Guyon and wife, Sarah Casier 1664 Richmond County (Staten Island)
No Biography or Family Tree Posted Yet

English ancestor Samuel Holmes Abt. 1665 Gravesend, Kings County (Long Island)
Son of the Reverend Obadiah Holmes of Newport, Rhode Island
No Biography Posted Yet
See HOLMES Family Tree

This website copyright © 1996-2025 by Steven R. Butler, Ph.D. All rights reserved.