About This Site
This website is the work of Steven R. Butler, a Dallas-born historian whose great-grandparents came to live in Dallas 1890. Members of his fanily has been here continously ever since. Dr. Butler's articles about local history have previously appeared in Legacies: A History Journal for Dallas and North Central Texas, the Dallas Morning News, America, Past and Present: Special Texas Edition (textbook), and the WRR Classical 101.1 FM Program Guide. His book, From Water Supply to Urban Oasis, was the basis for most of the exhibits in the White Rock Lake Museum, where he is featured in a short film about the park's history. He also appears in Media Project's State Fair of Texas documentary, "A Fair To Remember." From time-to-time he gives lectures on Dallas history or conducts guided tours. A college professor by vocation, Butler earned both his doctorate and an M.A. in History from the University of Texas at Arlington.
This website is provided as a free public service. It has no official connection with nor receives any financial support from any organization. It contains no advertising. Its purposes are to entertain, inform, and educate.
All information contained within this site was derived from a wide variety of sources that may or may not be up-to-date or accurate. For that reason, the author cannot assume any responsibility for any incorrect information found herein. However, if you discover any inaccurate or out-of-date information on this site, please send email to texian1846@yahoo.com. Thanks!