n.d.: Six-story North Texas Building converted into a hotel.
January: White Rock Lake completely freezes over for the first time.
n.d.: Dallas Centennial celebration held at Fair Park.
n.d.: Mexican Chamber of Commerce founded.
Fall: Seven-story Slaughter Building razed.
n.d.: C.C.C. camp at White Rock shut down; U.S. Army Fifth Ferrying Command begins operating a temporary "boot camp" at former C.C.C. campsite (until 1944).
Feb. 10: Electrical and Communications Building and adjoining Automobile Building at Fair Park destroyed by fire.
n.d.: Huge clock is placed at top of thirty-one-story Mercantile Bank Building, which is now the city's tallest.
Summer: Fletcher's Corny Dogs introduced at the Summer Midway. Cost: 15 cents. New Cotton Bowl Roller Rink opens.
December: More than 400 German P.O.W.s imprisoned at former C.C.C. and Army camp at White Rock Lake Park. Most volunteer to work at Fair Park, repairing army supplies.
n.d.: Dallas chosen to participate in Hambro Project, to promote British products in U.S.A.
June 13: New streamlined streetcars, painted red and cream, make debut on Dallas streets.
October: German P.O.W.s at White Rock camp repatriated.
n.d: "The Bonnie Barge," a floating dance hall, begins operating on White Rock Lake.
n.d.: Construction begins on Central Expressway.
n.d.: Margo Jones' "Theater '47" opens at Fair Park.
n.d.: KRLD becomes first licensed TV station in Dallas. WBAP also begins broadcasting this year.
Sept. 27: President Harry Truman appears at first racially-integrated political rally in Texas, at Rebel Field baseball stadium in Oak Cliff.
n.d.: City charter changed so that councilman with most votes becomes Mayor of Dallas.
n.d.: East side of Cotton Bowl "double-decked" to increase seating to 75,504 and new team dressing rooms built.