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Early 20th Century Postcards of Dallas, Texas
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New Butler Brothers Building, Dallas, Texas.
Date: circa 1900-1910
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Commerce Street Bridge, Dallas, Texas
Date: circa 1900-1910
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Houston Street Viaduct, Dallas, Texas
Date: circa 1900-1910
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Interurban Terminal, Dallas, Texas
Date: circa 1900-1910
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Interurban Terminal, Dallas, Texas
Date: circa 1900-1910
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One of the Many Beautiful scenes along The Interurban Line, between Fort Worth and Dallas.
Date: circa 1900-1910
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Sanger Brothers Store, Dallas, Texas
Date: circa 1900-1910
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Scottish Rite Cathedral, Dallas, Texas
Date: circa 1900-1910
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Taken from center of Commerce Street Bridge, East bank of river, South of bridge.--Dallas, May 25, '08.
Date: circa 1900-1910
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Union Station, Dallas, Texas
Date: circa 1900-1910
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Union Station, Dallas, Texas
Date: circa 1900-1910
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