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A Sesquicentennial History of

Or, How a Tiny Railroad Town Became One of the Biggest Small Cities in the Lone Star State
By Steven R. Butler Author of John Neely Bryan: The Father of Dallas
Volume Two Contents
CHAPTER 1: The Birth of a City
- The Quest for Water
- Mass Meeting Favors Incorporation
- Incorporation
- Water: The First Order of Business
- The Big Well
- A Thrilling Distraction
- The Richardson Chamber of Commerce is Organized
- The Big Day Finally Arrives
- Richardson's 1926 Water Tower and Pump House
- Richardson's First Police and Fire Protection
- The Cemetery Beautiful
- Sewer System Stalled and Installed
- First City Ordinances
- Taxation with Representation
- It's a Gas, Gas, Gas!
- Water, Water Everywhere?
- Sherwood Spotts, the Kissing Mayor
- Who Took This Photo?
- New School Additions Dedicated
- Too Much Water!
- Hob-Knobbing with the Big Boys (Sort of)
- Spotts Calls It Wrong
- The Birth of Owens Country Sausage
- The Post Office Moves Again
- Spotts Wraps It Up
- Kit C. Floyd, the Piccolo-playing Mayor
- Another Fatal Interurban Accident
- The Bunioneers Come to Town
- A Short-Lived Crime Wave
- Meanwhile, Back at the City Office
- Cotton Remains King
- Richardson's First City Hall
- Mayor Jess Harben
- The Penny Robbery
- Barton Lawson Photographs Richardson from Above
- Trades Day 1932
- A History Mystery: When was the Second City Hall Built?
- Tom McKamy Re-Elected
- Lights Out! And Other Complaints
- The Mystery Bomber
- Volunteer Fire Department Reorganized
- Fire Department Revives the Community Fair
- A Flattering Word Picture of Richardson
- How Richardson's Mayor Helped Bury a Bandit
- The Richardson Cooperative Cotton Gin Association is Formed
- A Proposed New Highway
- The Short-Lived Rebirth of the Richardson Chamber of Commerce
- Richardson's WPA Project: Community House
- Local Boys Join CCC Camp
- No More Passenger Service
- Clifford Huffhines, Tax Collector
- Sam Harben Rides the Centennial Train
- Richardson Visits the Centennial Exposition
- Tom Jackson, Five Term Mayor
- The Old Professor Visits
- A Landmark Bricked In
- Another Landmark Remodeled
- Street Signs and House Numbers
- The Cassidy Feed Mill: Richardson's Most Visible Business
- A Purpose-Built Post Office
- "Miss Belle" Dies
- Richardson Misses a Chance to Get an Airfield
- Richardson Gets a Movie Theater
- The War Years (1941-1945)
- No Fair!
- A Landmark Disappears
- Richardson Gets a Public Library
- "Why Doesn't Richardson Have a Flag?"
- "Our Boys in Service"
- Eloise Huffhines, "Our Girl in Service"
CHAPTER 2: The Postwar Boom
- The Richardson Chamber of Commerce is Born a Third Time
- The Fire Department Announces Fall Festival
- Owens Sausage Opens a New Plant
- The Iceman Cometh
- Richardson Gets a Clinic
- A New City Hall is Built (1947)
- Richardson's First Community Christmas Tree
- The Last Interurban
- What Happened to the Interurban Depot?
- What Happened to the Interurban Tracks?
- A School Bus Accident That Could Have Been Worse
- Get On the Bus!
- Miles of Roads
- A New Housing Addition is Annexed
- A High School Stadium is Built
- The Telephone Building Gets Bigger
- A Premature Celebration
- Whole Lot of Annexing Going On
- Goodbye to the Mayor and the Barber
- An Aldermanic Form of Government is Adopted
- A New High School is Built
- Garbage Collection Begins
- Cassidy Feed Mills Gets Even More Visible
- Central Expressway Reaches Richardson
- The Central Expressway Industrial District
- Citizens State Bank Moves
- A New Telephone Exchange
- The End of Harben's Drug Store
- A New Police Department (1955)
- The Home Building Boom Begins
- Turning to Dallas for Water
- Richardson's First Two Shopping Centers
- The Santa Fe "Texas Chief" is Routed Through Richardson
- The Elephant in the Road
- A New City Hall is Built (1956)
- A New City Fire Station (1956)
- Home Rule Comes to Richardson
- Collins Radio Arrives
- Texas Instruments Arrives
- How the Microchip was Invented on Richardson's Doorstep
- Some Other Large Employers
- Richardson High School Band Marches in Inaugural Parade
- Richardson Savings and Loan Opens
- Arapaho Drive-In
- A New Post Office (1956)
- Two New Parks
- A New Water Tower and Community House
- New Papers
- A New Library (1959)
- A New Neighborhood in East Richardson
- The Last Cotton Gin
- The First Community Fourth
- Richardson's Role in the Space Race
- Owens' Spring Creek Farm Opens
- UTD is Born
- Richardson's First Skyscraper
- A Bigger New High School Opens (1960)
- The Richardson Symphony Orchestra is Born
- Two More New Parks
- The 1962 Comprehensive Plan
- Richardson Gets a New Hospital
- A New Post Office Already?
- The Accused Assassin's Widow
- A Future President Visits
- A New Home for Two Lodges
- "Remarkable Richardson"
- Richardsonites? Or Richardsonians?
- Richardson Schools Desegregated
- A New Logo for the City
- Routh Mansion Burns
- East Richardson Gets a New Park
- More Parks Than You Shake a Stick At
- A Street Changes Names
- The Mayor Resigns
- "Mars Needs Women"
- Another New High School (Pearce)
- A New Library (1970)
- Another New High School (Berkner)
- The Richardson Historical Society is Born
- Great Beasts Once Roamed Here
- Richland College Opens
- Another New Logo for the City
- How Richardson Celebrated Its Centennial
- Kidnapped
- A Golf Course for the Masses
- No Pinball for You!
- Richardson Celebrates the U.S. Bicentennial
- Richardson Square Mall Opens
- New Post Office (1978)
- Richardson's New Civic Center (1980)
- "Miss Belle's Place" Becomes a Historic Landmark
CHAPTER 3: The Telecom Corridor®
- MCI Arrives
- Martha Ritter, Richardson's First Female Mayor
- The Pearce High School Bombings
- Look up in the sky! What was that?
- First City Charter Amendment Election (1989)
- Santa's Village is Born
- Richardson's Growing Ethnic and Religious Diversity
- A Rash of Teen Suicides
- The Jeremy Wade Dell Tragedy
- Nortel Arrives
- Breckinridge Park Opens
- The Murder of Sean Cooper
- The Sporting Goods Store Murders
- The Longest-Serving Mayor
- Barney the Purple Dinosaur
- First Wildflower Festival
- Buckingham Annexed
- Another New Post Office Already?
- A Presidential Visit
- Spring Creek Nature Area Opens
- "Wishbone" the Dog
- The Great Fountain Plaza Festival
- An Update City Logo
CHAPTER 4: Another New Century Begins
- The Holy Land Foundation Trial
- The Richardson Historical & Genealogical Society Struggles to Survive
- A New Animal Shelter for a New Century
- An Army of Unsung Heroes
- DART Light Rail Arrives
- The Eisemann Center Opens
- Armed Robbers Lead Police on a Wild Chase
- Wet or Dry?
- Some Park Improvements
- A Random Act of Violence
- Richardson Square Mall Demolished
- The 2009 Comprehensive Plan
- The DART Station Shoot-Out
- A New Hospital for Richardson
- Richardson Voters Approve Direct Election of Mayor
- Three New Public Facilities in One Year
- Fire Department Training Center Dedicated
- The Disgraced Mayor
- State Farm and CityLine Come to Town
- Going to the Dogs
- 2015 Bond and Charter Amendment Election
- CORE District Designated
- A Shocking Murder
- The Politics They are A'changin'
- Spring Creek Farm Closes
- The Killing of Officer Sherrard
- The Tornado of 2019
- New Public Safety Campus Opens
- COVID19 Arrives in Richardson
- Armed Robbery of Gun Store
- The Richardson Man Who Attacked the Capitol
- Renovated Senior Center Reopens
- The Parking Lot Murder
- The Starbucks Murder
- Fire at City Hall
- IQHQ Opens
- Reactivated Historical & Genealogical Society Hits a Few Snags
- The DART Silver Line Project
- RISD Reports Huge Budget Shortfall
- Richardson Celebrates its Sesquicentennial
This website copyright © 2021-2022 (except where noted) by Steven Butler, Ph.D. All rights reserved.