Return to Home Page About This Site This website is hosted at no expense to the public by a private individual with no official connection to the City of Richardson, the Richardson Chamber of Commerce, or any similar organization. The site's sole purpose is to entertain, inform, and educate. The site carries no advertising, apart from the promotion of books authored by the host, or related items. Visitors are advised that due effort has been made to make sure that the information that this site contains is accurate and up-to-date as of the date of the site's creation (December 2021). Visitors are also advised that this site contains links to other websites over which the host of this site has no control and can therefore accept no responsibility for any misinformation, or the result of misinformation that may be found on those sites. Throughout 2022, new features and content will be added to this site as time permits. Please check back periodically to see what's been added. NOTE: All images on this website are either 1.) the creative work of the author/host, 2.) in the public domain, or 3.) used in accordance with the Fair Use provision of U.S. copyright law. Throughout 2022, new features and content will be added to this site as time permits. Please check back periodically to see what's been added.
This website copyright © 2021-2022 (except where noted) by Steven Butler, Ph.D. All rights reserved. |