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Biographies of Prominent Richardson Residents or People Who Had a Role in Richardson History
From the forthcoming book, RICHARDSON: A History of One of the Biggest Small Cities in Texas
John B. Floyd, early settler, founder of Breckinridge (forerunner of Richardson)
Sam Harben, newspaper publisher (The Richardson Echo)
Neely Huffhines, prominent resident, namesake of Huffhines Park
From Other Sources
Lloyd V. Berkner, scientist, high school namesake
George Blewett, minister, early settler, one of the founders of Richardson
Benjamin Bowser, banker, early settler
John C. Breckinridge, politician, namesake of town that preceded Richardson
Robert F. Campbell, farmer, early settler
Marina Oswald Porter, widow of alleged presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald
Jerry Owens, civic leader and chairman, Owens Country Sausage Company
Benjamin Prigmore, farmer, soldier, early settler
Bernard Reilly, one of the founders of Richardson
Alfred S. Richardson, lawyer, politician, railroader, city namesake
Ann Rice, author, attended Richardson H.S. (graduated 1959)
James Fred Rippy, Ph.D., esteemed scholar specializing in the history of Latin America, first person from Richardson to earn a college degree
Jacob Routh, minister, early settler
Jessica Simpson, singer, attended Pearce H.S.
Robert Tilton, televangelist, attended Richardson H.S. (graduated 1964)
William J. Wheeler, one of the founders of Richardson
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