This seemingly whimsical little bear, with its arms outstretched as if asking for a hug, is actually a small reminder of a very serious time in history - the "Cold War" that prevailed between the United States and the Soviet Union from 1945 to 1991, when during most of that time Germany, as well as the city of Berlin, were divided into free and Communist halves. The 84-pound sculpture stands on a modest concrete pedestal in the Hall of State's south garden - the grassy area that lies between the Tower Building and Hall of State.
Created by German sculptor Hildebert Kliem, who was also "famed for his work in the restoration of damaged German historical buildings," the statue was a gift to Dallas from the People of Berlin. It was formally dedicated on Sunday, October 11, 1970 - which had been proclaimed by Texas governor Preston Smith as "German Day" at the State Fair. Horst Grabert, secretary of federal affairs for Berlin, represented the city-state's government at the ceremony, which was followed by a "Salute to the Federal Republic of Germany" by the U.S. Marine Drum and Bugle Corps, held on the Hall of State Court of Honor.