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Lower Level

The lower level of the Hall of State houses the offices of the Dallas Historical Society's and its archival storage facilities, which are open to visitors by appointment only. Casual visitors to the building may wish to have a look at the newly-renovated Margaret and Al Hill Auditorium, repainted in its original 1936 colors. Mrs. Hill is a daughter of the late oilman H.L. Hunt.

The American Museum of Miniature Arts is another lower level feature. It consists of a display of miniature houses and furniture.
The building's water-fountains and restrooms are also here (men to the left, ladies to the right, at the bottom of the stairs).
Principal Information Sources:
- The author's own training and experience as a volunteer tour guide at the Hall of State, 1985-1990.
- A Gathering of Symbols: Texas History in the Hall of State (Dallas: Dallas Historical Society and the Junior League of Dallas, Inc., 1985).
Copyright © 1996-2012 by Steven Butler, Ph.D. All rights reserved.