No. 2 on Map of Okemah Showing Location of Sites Associated with Woody Guthrie (PDF) NOTE: You may not be able to view the PDF with Google Chrome. Please try using Internet Explorer or Firefox instead.
 Above: When he was a boy, Woody liked to see movies at the Crystal Theater in Downtown Okemah, Oklahoma. Today it is one of the venues for the annual Woody Guthrie Folk Festival.
In 1921, when Woody Guthrie was nine years old, the Crystal Theater, located on the southwest corner of W. Broadway and S. 4th Street, was built as a vaudville theater. Today, it is one of the principal venues of the Woody Guthrie Folk Festival (held annually in mid-July since 1998).
During his childhood, Woody boasted, he used to sneak in to watch cowboy movies and other silent films. Reportedly, Woody's mother Nora also liked watching movies at the Crystal.
Photo of Woody Guthrie's childhood home (above), courtesy Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
All color photos copyright © 2012 by Steven R. Butler, Ph.D. All rights reserved.
This is a personal website with no official connection to the City of Okemah, Oklahoma, the Woody Guthrie Coalition or Festival, or any other entity or organzation. This website is completely not-for-proft. Its sole purpose is to inform and entertain.
This website copyright © 2012 (except where noted) by Steven R. Butler, Ph.D. All rights reserved.