This handsome park entrance portal, located at the junction of Garland Road and East Lawther Drive, is made of sandstone blocks. It was designed by local architect M. A. (Macyl Aubrey) Burke and constructed in 1938 by the Civilian Conservation Corps. Metal Art-Deco style letters attached to the side of the main structure spell out the name of the park. On the reverse is a bronze plaque that reads:
The redbud trees on this drive were planted through the sponsorship of the Dallas Garden Club in honor of the men and women who served their country in World War II. Their names are recorded in a book in the Hall of State, Dallas. 1945.
There are an additional two plaques attached to the portal. One, on its base, records that the redbud trees nearby were replanted in 1992 by the Emerald Isle Homeowner's Association. The other recognizes a donation by the Excellence Club of Northeast Dallas in cooperation with the White Rock Bank of Dallas, June 7, 1977.
Built by the 
