1. Lisbon, Portugal |
 2. Plymouth, England |
 3. Kiel, West Germany |
 4. Naples, Italy |
 5. Cannes, France |
 6. Barcelona, Spain |
 7. Hamburg, West Germany |
 8. Copenhagen, Denmark |
 9. & 13. Greenock, Scotland |
 10. Rosyth, Scotland |
 11. Portsmouth, England |
 12. Bergen, Norway |
Port Calls 9 & 13: Greenock, Scotland
 2-11 August & 5-7 October

Please Note: This website is maintained by a veteran who has no official connection with the United States Navy or any government or private organization connected with the U.S.S. Intrepid or any other ship.
This website copyright © 2008-2009 (except where noted) by Steven R. Butler, Ph.D. (formerly PR3). All rights reserved.