Carrier 1971
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Ports of Call In Order

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1. Lisbon, Portugal

28 April-2 May 1971

Great Britain
2. Plymouth, England

10-13 May 1971

Kiel, Germany
3. Kiel, West Germany

21-24 May 1971

4. Naples, Italy

4-11 June 1971

5. Cannes, France

19-24 June 1971

6. Barcelona, Spain

30 June-6 July 1971

7. Hamburg, West Germany

12-19 July 1971

Copenhagen, Denmark
8. Copenhagen, Denmark

21-28 July 1971

London, England
9. & 13. Greenock, Scotland

2-11 August
& 5-7 October 1971

London, England
10. Rosyth, Scotland

17-19 August 1971

London, England
11. Portsmouth (and London), England

7-14 September 1971

12. Bergen, Norway

22-25 September 1971

1971 Port Map

Cold War map of Europe courtesy Wikimedia Commons.

U.S. Flag Divider

Please Note: This website is maintained by a veteran who has no official connection with the United States Navy or any government or private organization connected with the U.S.S. Intrepid or any other ship.

This website copyright © 2008 (except where noted) by Steven R. Butler, Ph.D. (formerly PR3). All rights reserved.