Port Call 1: Brest, France
 Late September
From the Yorktown 1969 Cruise Book:
"Our Brest anchorage was in eary view of the Chateau Prefecture Marietime and Tour Tanguay--two classic castles of the Brittany of old.
French cuisine with its five course, two hour meals proved a fitting goal for our own cooks.
Tours to Paris (a six-hour train ride). Mount Saint Michel and the Normandy beaches were scheduled through the Chaplain.
In Paris, the whirl-wind tour stopped at the Lido, Arc de Triomphe du Carousel, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Eiffel Tower and Sacre Couer to mention only a few highhights. Yet it was a Frenchman, loaf of bread under his arm, and jaunty beret on his head, who typified this memorable stop.
Just outside Paris, we stopped at the Palais de Versailles with its famous Hall of Mirrors. The site of the signing of the Verailles Treaty ending World War I, this beautiful palace was built by the French royal family in the early eighteenth century.
Some of our history buffs took the tour bus to the Normandy beaches and viewed the now peaceful beaches which once felt the boots of liberating allied armies. Some of our fathers served in units which once fought here."