Volume One is now available to order from Amazon.com at the special Sesquicentennial price of $20.23, plus tax and shipping.

Volume Two is now available to order from Amazon.com at the special Sesquicentennial price of $20.23, plus tax and shipping.

A Sesquicentennial History of RICHARDSON, TEXAS, Or, How a Tiny Railroad Town Became One of the Biggest Small Cities in the Lone Star State is a 2-volume comprehensive "warts and all" account of Richardson from the earliest days of settlement in the 1840s to 2023. In addition to all the major milestones, each volume includes many previously untold stories of human interest. A meticulous researcher, the author corrects mistakes that were made in previous histories of the city (as well as on some of the city's historical markers). Both volumes also contain a index, footnotes, and are illustrated with photos, engravings, and maps.
Volume One, subtitled "Rural Roots," covers the early settlement period, the founding of Breckinridge (forerunner of present-day Richardson), the establishment of Richardson by the Houston & Texas Central Railroad in 1873, and events in the fledgling town's history up to the year 1924.
Volume Two, subtitled "Remarkable Rise," covers the past century, from the chartering of the City of Richardson in 1925 to the present-day (2023), with particular emphasis on the city's phenomenal post-World War II growth.
The Birds of Huffhines Park Poster
This colorful, ready-to-frame poster, measuring 16x20 inches, features 14 beautiful photos of 12 different species of birds that can be seen at Huffhines Park: The Great Egret, the Snowy Egret, the Great Blue Heron, the Black Crowned Night Heron, the Double Crested Cormorant, the Ring Billed Gull, the Canada Goose, Mallard Ducks, Muscovy Ducks, an American Pekin Duck, Monk Parakeets, and a Common Grackle.
Click on poster picture to see a larger image.
Price: $30 postage paid. To order send email with name and address to docbutler@yahoo.com. Upon receipt of email, you will be instructed how to pay with PayPal.